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The Children of Shiny Mountain

Published by Pocket Books in 1977. Paperback.

First kiss, first novel, and all the other obvious comparisons. It's trite but true: No subsequent book you write will ever hold quite the same place in your affections and memories as the first one.

Children started as a short story. Before I finished the story, I decided I needed to start at the beginning again and rewrite it. The second time through, it was a much longer short story. I repeated the process a few times, over a period of three years. By the end of that time, I had finished the story, but the story was a novel -- a very long novel.

When I sold the book to Pocket (after a year of rejections), my editor told me that she loved the book, but it was far too long and would have to be cut.

I made the cuts myself, weeping over every precious, brilliant paragraph. But I'm probably a better man for it. I'm sure that Children is a better book for it.


The Rocky Mountain News called it fascinating and predicted,
"It seems likely that the name David Dvorkin will become well known in the science fiction world."

Chicago Daily News
"David Dvorkin makes an auspicious debut in his first novel. ... Dvorkin unfolds an eminently readable story with an ingratiating sense of humor."

ALA Booklist
"An auspicious first novel with excellent characterizations and a deft, engrossing contrast between unbridled commercialism and concern for one's fellow beings. Dvorkin's delightfully oblique humor keeps the message from degenerating into a sermon."

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